How Long Do Veneers Last?

how long do veneers last
How long do veneers last? The durability of a veneer depends on several factors including its material, how you care for them and how you protect them. Let’s see what our professional team has to say from our dental clinic in Turkey.

Are you unhappy with the appearance of your smile? Do you wish you could do something to change the way your teeth look? Well, the solution is clear: dental veneers. Dental veneers help people who are uncomfortable with the appearance of their teeth. With the help of veneers, you no longer need to worry about a discolored or chipped tooth when you smile. They will give you a chance to improve your smile. But, is a veneer a permanent solution? If not, how long do veneers last? Let’s talk a bit more about what veneers are, their durability and what should you do to make the most out of them.

What dental veneers are?

Dental veneers are thin layered covers that are applied over your teeth. They make your teeth appear straight and undamaged. Dental veneers hide the imperfections in your teeth and help you obtain a healthy and beautiful smile. Let’s now look at the answer to the question “how long do veneers last?”

How long do veneers last: introduction on the materials

To answer the question, “is it a good decision to invest in veneers?” let’s look at the durability of veneers since durability is one of the most important aspects of investments. Unfortunately, the answer to how long veneers last is not as simple as providing a number. Veneer’s lifespans mostly depend on their material and how you care for them. Having said that, there is not just one type of veneer there are two types of dental veneers.

A veneer can be composite or porcelain. The main difference between them is the material they are made of. Composite veneers are made of composite resin that matches the color of your teeth. Porcelain veneers, on the other hand, are made out of porcelain.

Which veneers last longer: composite or porcelain?

How long do veneers last? Well, the lifespan of dental veneers is determined by whether they are porcelain or composite. Which veneers are more durable? The answer is porcelain. Porcelain is a far more resilient material compared to composite. They do not require frequent replacements since they do not stain or lose their color. While composite veneers’ lifespan is about 5 to 7 years porcelain veneers can last you up to 15 years.

Even though porcelain veneers are almost as strong as natural teeth they are still damageable if you do not care for them enough. Yes, the material of the veneer plays a huge role in the durability of veneers but how you take care of them has an important impact on their lifespan as well.

Dental hygiene’s effects on “how long do veneers last?”

Caring for your oral hygiene is a must when it comes to preventing any kind of damage. You should brush your teeth twice a day to get rid of food parts that get stuck between your teeth and might lead to cavities and gum diseases. A dental veneer cannot decay on its own, but cavities can occur behind the veneers. This will potentially shorten the lifespan of your veneers. To avoid this, brush your teeth daily, and do not forget to floss. Also, do not skip on your regular dentist visits.

Alongside dental hygiene, there are other factors that might affect the lifespan of your veneers. Let’s have a look at those factors and what you can do to be able to keep your veneers a little longer.

Other factors that can affect the lifespan of dental veneers:

Teeth grinding: if you grind or clench your teeth, that can cause great pressure on your veneers. You can wear a nighttime mouthguard to preserve your veneers if you grind your teeth while sleeping. This way you will ensure not damaging your veneers.

Treating your teeth as tools: it’s easier to use our teeth to open up a bag or a bottle instead of looking for a scissor or another tool. However, it is actually a dangerous act. Along with causing germs it can also crack or break your veneer. Do not try to open anything with your teeth if you cannot open them with your hands or other tools.

Be careful with hard food: Veneers, like natural teeth, can crack and break. Thus, biting down on ice cubes and hard meals, as well as chewing inedible items like pen tips, can damage your veneers.

Wearing mouth protection: If you are into sports, wear mouth protection to avoid any possible damage to your veneers.

Conclusion on “How long do veneers last?”

If you’re self-conscious about the way your teeth look, veneers can be a good, long-term solution. However, the question “How long do veneers last?” is hard to answer. The short answer though is that veneers can last you a really long time.

The Material Factor

Still, the durability of a veneer depends on several factors including its material, how you care for them and how you protect them. Some dentists even say it might depend on the previous state of your teeth before the installation.

There are two materials a veneer can be made of: porcelain and composite. Deciding which veneer to get is up to you. You can choose which one fits you better by weighing down several factors. But porcelain veneers are better when it comes to durability.

One of the most important aspects though is the material. A porcelain veneer when compared to a composite one, will last you a little more time. Porcelain veneer’s typical lifespan is around 10 to 15 years. If, however, done properly, taken good care of, and protected they might last up to 20 years.

The Hygiene Factor

If you want your veneers to last a long time whether porcelain or composite, do not forget to care for your oral hygiene, do not use your teeth for rough tasks, and be careful while biting down hard food. This way you will be able to smile more frequently, brightly, and proudly for a long time.

Hope this article will help you find an answer to your question of how long do veneers last. You can read our previous post on

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