How Restorative Dentistry Can Fix Your Smile

Restorative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry can be described as the management of dental problems and give restorative functional and aesthetical solutions. Even though restorative dentistry is not specified as a dental speciality for now, general dental professionals are able to execute these procedures, including dental restoration, implans, bridges, crowns and fillings. These procedures are mainly performed by the dental speciality of prosthodontic dentistry, too. Though the procedures are feasible for general dentists without an additional education or certificate, this may be different for some cases. Depending on the severity and difficulty of the dental problem, you may want to see prosthodontists for better restorative treatment options.

Restorative Dentistry Procedures

The main goal of restorative dentistry is to save the teeth initially. If necessary, the natural look, shape and feel of the natural teeth should be restored. What do dentists do as restorative dentistry procedures to fulfill the goals ? They use dental fillings or bonding treatments to repair the damaged teeth. Also they perform inlays, onlays, crowns and fillings to restore the missing parts of natural teeth. 

Some people prefer to refer to prosthodontic dentistry instead of restorative dentistry. Initially it does not matter what your dental professional calls the procedure. Because the idea of restorative procedure is to preserve natural teeth of the patient as much as they can. The empty spaces in the mouth or the cavities are the weak spots in the mouth to be infected by bacterias. These infections can be problems afterwards to cause more serious problems. Also when the patient is missing teeth in the mouth, there might have been more stress on their remaining teeth. This causes them to use the remaining teeth more and more. Because they basically do not have much surface in the mouth. 

Restorative dental procedures use a wide range of different materials. These materials imitate the real teeth. They try to construct cavity fillings, crowns, implants, dentures and many other restorations. Metals, amalgam alloys, different types of polymers, ceramics, composites, glass ionomers and many others are the materials that are used in various restorative dentistry procedures. 

Different Types of Dental Restorations

There are different types of restorative treatment options offered by dental professionals out there. According to the needs of the patient, dentists come up with ideal solutions to improve your oral health condition and your smile!?

1. Dental Crowns

Having a major part in restorative dentistry, dental crowns are indirect restorative procedures. They are created in a lab and then applied for repairing damaged teeth. If the teeth are damaged fundamentally, crowns can protect them from any infection and further problems considering the structural dental problems. The first part of the crown procedure is to clean the area to be prepared for dental crowns. Then the dentists place a temporary dental crown to see if it fits. According to the mold, a permanent enamel crown is produced in a dental lab at the time. Then as the last procedure, the dental professional removes the temporary dental crown to place the permanent one.

2. Dental Implants

Dental implants are basically the replacement of tooth roots. It is a very popular restorative dentistry procedure now due to its strength. They provide a strong foundation, and the replacement tooth can be fixed or removable. Dental implant replacement teeth are produced to fit your natural teeth to look natural. 

Dental implants can be an amazing dental procedure for replacing missing teeth. After the procedure, the patient’s speech, appearance, comfort, and self-esteem are improved as well as their oral health. Due to dental implants’ strong foundation, they are durable and convenient. You can have a look at our post that explains dental implant procedures in a nutshell: Dental Implant in just 4 steps

3. Dental Bridges

Two or more crowns for the teeth are what the dental bridge is made of. They are two or more anchoring teeth. These crowns are called abutment teeth. Also can be called pontics. Different types of materials can be used to produce these, especially gold, alloys, porcelain or any combination of them. But the key part of the dental bridge is that they are supported by natural teeth or implants if the patient has one. 

Dental bridges can be a very beneficial way to restore your smile. Also if the patient has chewing and speaking problems, dental bridge procedures can also fix them. Replacing missing teeth via dental bridge can result in the balanced force distribution inside your mouth so that you can bite properly and maintain the shape of your face. Also with proper application, dental bridges can prevent the remaining teeth from sliding and change their position.

4. Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a process to use tooth-coloured putty. They are applied on the problem area after the dental profession cleans the application area. Dental bonding is used to restora small cavities, discolouration of the teeth and small cracks on the teeth. Dentists use U.V. or laser lights to harden the bonding after applying and sculpting it onto the teeth. After the process of U.V. solidification, the dental bonding is polished. Dental bondings are an important process of replacing damaged teeth to fix your smile

5. Dental Inlays and Onlays

Dental inlays and onlays are considered as indirect restoration methods. They are used to repair significantly damaged teeth by the decay process. Metal, composite resin, or porcelain are the materials that are used for inlays and onlays. An inlay fundamentally fills the cavity at the center of the tooth. But, an onlay covers the chewing surface and the sides of the tooth, as well as the cavity inside. If the tooth needs to be structurally stable, then onlays are chosen to restore.

For all restorative dentistry options and beyond, feel free to contact our professional team at Smile Team Turkey. We proudly serve our domestic and international patients at our dental centre in Turkey, accompanied by top-notch dental technologies.

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